Cash benefits from GTL's brand new Cancer Insurance Policy are paid directly to your clients and can be used to help:
- Cover Medical Co-Payments and Deductibles
- Pay for Experimental Treatments and Surgeries
- Supplement Lost Income
- Provide Cash for Car and Mortgage Payments
- Allow for Extra Time Off of Work
- Take a Recuperative Trip or Vacation
What makes this NEW Cancer Insurance Coverage stand out?
Design a policy that helps fit your clients' needs.
Lump Sum Cancer and/or Lump Sum Heart Attack and Stroke insurance.
Experimental Treatment Benefits Included!
Your clients receive an additional benefit of 25% of their Lump Sum amount should they undergo a qualifying experimental treatments
Benefit Builder Rider options can boost benefits.
Access additional benefits payable in addition to the base lump sum amount.
Recurrence Benefit Rider
After lump sum payments are received, benefits are eligible to be restored with Recurrence Benefit - applied to both the cancer and heart attack and stroke benefits.
Coverage doesn't have to stop at cancer, heart attack and stroke!
It's easy to add valuable benefits on top of policy including: Cancer Benefit Builder, Heart Attack/Stroke Benefit Builder, Recurrence Rider, Return of Premium Rider, Intensive Care Rider, Critical Accident Rider, Dental/Vision Rider, and Child Coverage Riders.
Ask Mayo Clinic included!
Instead of doing a random internet search for answers to health-related questions, get trusted advice from Ask Mayo Clinic - see caller satisfaction stats below: